Birds of America Double-elephant folio Editions
Viviparous Quadruped Imperial Folio Editions
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands - 1754 & 1771 Editions - Antique Originals
Original hand-colored engraving | circa 1771 | 20 ¼ x 14 ¼ inches
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Pl. 60 Great Tern; Lesser T.; Short-tailed T.; Black Skimmer; Stormy Petrel
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Pl. 62 Virginian Rail; Clapper R.; Blue Crane; Little Egret
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 1, Fork Tailed Flycatcher
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 2, Swallow-tailed Flycatcher
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 3, Yellow-headed Blackbird
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 4, Blackbird (Drawn by J.Audubon)
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 5, Female Crow Blackbird, Lark Finch
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 6, Crimson headed Bullfinch, Lazuli Finch
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 7, Burrowing Owl, Cliff Swallow
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008
American Ornithology - Oppenheimer Editions
Wilson Bonaparte’s Supplement Pl 8, Band-tailed Dove or Pigeon
Oppenheimer Editions Fine Art Print; circa 2008