To the best of my recollection, this Ripley watercolor was purchased in the 1930’s by my father. At that time, the family was living in Boston. We later moved to Milwaukee in 1940. This fine painting has been in our continuous possession for the past 85-90 years. It has been the centerpiece for my own collection of Ripley’s sporting art since 1980.
The painting was purchased from the Guild of Boston Artists and retains the original label affixed to the backside along with a price notation of $450. That would have been a handsome sum in the later years of the 1930’s Depression. The Guild was founded in 1914.
The Guild of Boston Artists has a long history of promoting Boston area artists, including Frank W. Benson. The internet offers a useful overview of that history. The sheet size of this painting is 21 3/8″ x 30 1⁄4″. It is in mint condition with vibrant colors. To my knowledge, no other painting of woodcock so accurately captures the delicate essence, form and color as this pair of birds. The light and the foliage are pure New England in October.
Ripley painted many such scenes of woodcock in flight. As a result, the positioning of some birds can be seen again in a number of Ripley’s related works such as his etchings, rare mixed media and other preparatory compositions.
However, having looked at a countless number of his original grouse and woodcock paintings including those seen in books and auction catalogues, I can safely say that I have not yet seen the equivalent in any other Ripley painting. I believe this painting is a singular achievement for Aiden Lassell Ripley.
– Current Owner
May, 2024